Office Celebrated the 16th Nat...

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Office Celebrated the 16th National Flag Day

Addis Ababa: On October 5, 2016, the Land Development and Management Bureau, for the 16th time in our country, celebrated World Flag Day with the motto "The elevation of our flag is a guarantee for our national unity and sovereignty" with leaders and workers from the Planning Commission, Land Acquisition and Registration Agency, Building Permit and Control, and Addis Ababa. They celebrated with members of the Ababa Police in a bright atmosphere on the premises of the Land Development and Management Office. 

The opening speech of the Director General of the Land Tenure Registration and Information Agency, Ato Gfawson Desisa, was made in front of the flag to do our part for the honor and benefit of the country. He said. Various messages were reflected on the 16th Flag Day, and all four institutions celebrated the day by offering a prayer of conscience to those who sacrificed for the unity and good of the country, singing the national anthem of Ethiopia, and giving awareness about the nature of the flag.


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